February 2021 | 2nd wave International Research

After almost a year of living in a pandemic, the Coronavirus has become part of our daily lives. Having had a tremendous initial outbreak, with devastating effects in every sense of the word, its presence continues to be a protagonist in the day-to-day of society.

This is why it is necessary to continue analysing how this paradigm shift continues to affect our lives, generating a new framework of reality in which new concerns, new perspectives and new needs arise to which institutions, companies and brands must respond appropriately if they want to continue to be an option for citizens.

The future remains in the realm of uncertainty, it does not escape our perception, and the new normal is still under construction.

However, with the remission of the virus, the arrival of vaccines and the longed-for herd immunity, some of these changes will abate, as is more than desirable, but others will undoubtedly remain... for COVID 19 has also been, in a sense, a particle accelerator, a CATALYST OF CHANGE which in certain areas is irreversible, with no turning back.

In this context, Punto de Fuga has carried out, together with the ARTIS network, the second wave of the international study "anticipating the new normal".

We encourage you to download it and read it because it is necessary to continue to understand what our reality is, in order to remain in tune with the needs of the market.

Download the report

COVID-19: Anticipating the new normal (2nd wave)