Sustainability is one of the great challenges of the 21st century: climate change, pandemics, energy crises and natural disasters are in the news every day. For years, the UN and other international institutions have been warning of the need to take action to reverse the planet's drift. However, no firm agreements between the world's major powers are in sight in the short term. Faced with this challenge, companies and brands are becoming aware of their role and are proposing sustainable actions, but not all of them are known to consumers, nor are they all credible. In fact, consumer doubts and demands are growing today because the shadow of greenwashing is long.
Punto de Fuga, through the ARTIS network, has conducted a global study to investigate how consumers understand and care about sustainability. What differences we found between countries, and whether they perceive some brands or companies as more sustainable.
If you want to know more about these findings, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Thank you!